"Eternal Life This Side the Grave"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
One day whilst in a shop for a few minutes, I heard a woman who had just paid fivepence for a single egg, say to the shop-keeper: “Do you think they will get cheaper this side the grave”?
I broke in with, “Pardon me, Madam, I can tell you of the best possible thing obtainable, which can be had for nothing.”
She replied, “What that, Sir?”
I answered, “Eternal Life THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE.”
“How do you get it, Sir?”
“Through faith in Jesus Christ, the gift of God.”
Then, with a sweet simplicity she said, “I have it, Sir, and adore Him.”
This little incident warmed my heart. Two other women were in the shop, and I pray God to bless this incident to them, for He knows how to use His word for the saving of souls.
Let me add a word.
There is no eternal life hereafter for any who have it not here.
Into this world of departure from God came the blessed Saviour to seek and to save lost sinners—He does not seek them after they have died, but here only, living men in this world. Here is the good news preached of a present and eternal salvation for every one who looks to and rests only on Jesus, who bore on the cross the righteous wrath of a sin-hating, but sinner-loving, God. Here was atonement made to God, so that He might be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.
Here then am I called to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved. For after death is nothing but judgment for all who have died in their sins.
But “he that heareth my word,” said the Lord Jesus when here on this earth, “and believeth on Him that sent me, hath [this is now— ‘this side of the grave’] everlasting life, and shall not [the future] come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
Is not this simple, clear and definite? And so the BELIEVER can say of God: “Who HATH saved us, and called us with a holy calling” (2 Tim. 1:9).
W. G. T. B.