A MAN, after suffering some months from that terrible disease cancer, lay dying. As he was nearing the end, his family and friends, after doing all in their power to relieve his suffering, gathered round the bedside, to watch their loved one breathe his last. Presently the tired eyelids opened, and looking round on them all he said, “You think I’m going to die, but I’m just going to live,” and so he passed away from this world of sin and sorrow, to live forever and ever with the One that died for him.
“Do you think you will get better? “was a question asked to a young man in consumption. “If I do, it will be all grace, and if not it will be all glory,” was the answer. Not many months after and it was all glory for him.
What about you, dear reader, should you leave this scene in a few months or weeks, or even less time than that? What if it should be today? It must either be like those two you have just read about — to spend eternity in the bright glory above, or to be forever lost with those in despair.
E. D. B.