Ever the Same

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
We stand at the floodtide of another year. As yet its waves have barely flowed in, and the fresh sands have few footprints to indent its smooth surface. God grant that our footprints for the next twelve months over those sands (if it be His will we remain here through that period) may be beautiful as those that bring glad tidings of salvation. May no rougher print indent its surface than those of the good soldier of Jesus Christ, one who is shod with "the preparation of the gospel of peace"—or the pilgrim foot which has cast off the shoes of earth, because the ground on which it stands is holy, as trodden in the omnipresence of JEHOVAH.
Dear reader, we cannot forecast the future! For you it may be gentle breezes and fair sailing into the desired haven. Or perhaps you will encounter stormy winds and tempest driving your little craft hither and thither through rough waves and deep waters. But we have one sure word of Scripture to sustain the believer in the Lord Jesus through it all. That word of promise is: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." Heb. 13:8. No change in Him! It matters not what changes here, He is steadfast, unchangeable—JEHOVAH JESUS—"The Rock of Ages.”
Whatever the incoming year may hold for you, our earnest plea is that you settle first of all the question of your status before God. Receive Jesus as your Savior. Let Him be the sure foundation of all your hopes for time and for all eternity. To His own He gives the promise: "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Heb. 13:5.
"Trust the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen, and keep you;
He is willing to aid you!
He will carry you through.”