Everlasting Sunshine.

“THE sun is shining behind the clouds,” said a friend to an aged christian, who was at times assailed by doubts. “It is the sun that dispels the clouds,” she replied.
Yes, thank God! His love is always the same; whatever clouds may dim the vision of His brightness, He―our Sun―is always unchangeably the same―He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
At times even bodily depression causes us to occupy ourselves with the experiences of what we are here below; in self we are always the same―unchangeably bad; the natural man is “enmity” against God―not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
How can we have happy feelings when occupied with so corrupt an object as self? Occupation with what Christ is, with what His love to us is, dispels the gloom, and fills our hearts with joy, and peace, and praise.
“Rejoice in the Lord alway.” (Phil. 4:4.)