A FEW weeks ago, while I was preaching the gospel in the open air, a poor old woman, who was listening very attentively, suddenly turned to one who was with her, exclaiming, “Who’s been telling that man about me? for he knows all about me.” She then anxiously inquired, if all that was being said as to the holiness of God were true; and on her companion assuring her that it was, the old woman cried out, “Then I am going straight to hell!” God’s Holy Spirit was working in her heart, convincing her of her sins.
It is a mercy when any get to this old woman’s state, and see their lost condition. Ask yourself solemnly where will your eternity be spent. The word of God does now expose us to ourselves, but remember, God has said there is a day coming when He shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to the gospel. J. S―n.