Dear Dr. Wreford, ― The little magazine, “Message from God,” is one of the most helpful and spiritual magazines we have ever seen.... We are living in such very difficult times in Ireland, and especially Dublin. Our colleges and teachers are advanced Modernists, and the multitudes in the streets are like sheep without a shepherd. They gladly accept little Testaments when offered.... ―Yours in His, service. ―”
Another lady writes: ―
“I am thankful for the exposure of Modernism in “Message.” I am sending it to my young nephew whose guide is Peake’s Commentary, at the college where he is training.”
Peake’s Commentary, a Christian has said, is “sodden with infidelity.”
Oh! dear friends, how it saddens our hearts to see all around us the terrible need of the word of God. Children are asking for Bibles and Testaments. A mother writes: ―
“Dear Sir, ― My little girl Mabel (aged eleven) has this morning received your useful little New Testament. I tell her it is part of the Holy Bible. She says, ‘Mummy, can’t I write to thank the gentleman for it and ask him how much it would cost to get the Old Testament to complete it?’ I am a widow myself, with one child only, therefore I am anxious she should learn all she can, although I can’t afford much, but will try and get it for her if you will kindly let me know how much it will be. I remain, Mother of Doris M—.”
We Gladly Gave Doris a Bible.
Will you kindly help us through March to supply all our workers with parcels to distribute, and to all who write to us, with a copy of the Word of God. The need is worldwide. Pray for us.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.