Extract: Our Place Before God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
O! Happy Christian, you may well give up the tinseled vanities of time for the glories of eternity! But even now you know your place in the glory. Christ, in His Person, and in His present position in the presence of God, is the expression of your place there.
Every believer has his place before God in Christ, and in the righteousness of God, which He accomplished in Christ, having glorified Himself in that obedient, blessed one. And now, God would have all who are brought into this relationship with Himself, to have no object before their minds but Christ in the glory, so that we may do His will, and be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“O! who upon earth can conceive
What in heav’n He’s called us to share!
Or who this dark world would not leave,
And earnestly long to be there!
There Christ is the light and the sun,
His glories unhinderedly shine;
Already our joy is begun,
Our rest is the glory divine.
“Tis good, at His Word, to be here,
Yet better by far to be gone,
And there in His presence appear,
And rest where He sits on the throne;
Yet, O! it will triumph afford
When Him we shall see in the air:
When we enter the joy of the Lord,
Forever abide with Him there.”