Extracts of Letters

 •  6 min. read  •  grade level: 7
The following extracts are given, through the suggestions of some, for the sake of those who are interested in the spread and support of the gospel in the pages of “Messages of Love” which are sent into the various Missions, Orphan Homes, Hospitals, etc., free, also for the encouragement of those who contribute articles:
Cornwall on Hudson, N. Y.
Brethren in Christ: I got your address from an old calendar which is hanging in our house, and has helped me very much.
I expect to start soon in Rescue Mission work, and could use a few “Messages of Love” if you have any to dispose of gratis; also tracts, mottoes, etc. I have been a Christian worker for a few years, but God laid me aside for a time. At first I rebelled, but now I realize He did it to draw me nearer to Him and teach me things I never would have learned otherwise. I hope you can grant the favor I ask, for my only aim in life is that God’s name may be glorified, and sinners may be converted.
Bedford St. Mission, Philadelphia, Pa.
“We express our many thanks for the great aid you have been giving our work in donating the copies (150 per week) of Messages of Love. We very much appreciate these papers. They are eagerly sought by the members of the Sunday school. Not one paper is wasted, and should anyone in school be overlooked when they are being distributed, I hear it very quickly. Our work is among a very poor class of folks who often do not have enough to buy food, so that reading matter is very gratefully accepted by them.
“Thanking you again, and assuring you every paper goes where it will bring a Message of Love.
Cleveland, Tenn.
“I am glad of the Messages of Love. I give out hundreds of them in the mountains. People are anxious to get them.”
Philadelphia Home for Incurables.
“The papers, Messages of Love, are read by the patients, and they seem to enjoy reading them very much.”
Mont Alto Sanatorium, Pa.
“The contribution of 50 copies of Messages of Love forwarded to patients at this sanatorium is received with thanks. I am pleased to say that the copies of this publication have been distributed to good advantage, and we will be pleased to have you continue forwarding them.”
Keekskill, N. Y.
“We are certainly indebted to you for the Messages of Love which we receive regularly. These papers are indeed appreciated, and distributed every Sunday to our children. We have often wished it possible to send at least a small contribution, but such has been out of the question. We do sincerely thank you in the dear Master’s name for your help in this direction, and will certainly be glad to have these papers continued; if you can do so, as heretofore, send them to us free of charge.
Thanking you for what you have done, and may feel led to continue to do.”
Canadensis, Pa.
Messages of Love are greatly appreciated. In fact, a little fellow who cannot read stopped me on the street and asked if they were going to be continued. They cannot wait for them from week to week.”
Lock Sheldrake, N. Y.
“We wish to thank you heartily for the Messages of Love which you have so kindly sent to us for so long. They have been regularly distributed in the Sunday school, and if by reason of storms and deep snows in winter the school has been closed, the surplus copies have been carefully saved and sent to another Sunday school about two miles from here. So they have all been used where much needed, and the children have carried home the ‘Messages of Love’ to many families that would otherwise seldom hear the ‘Gospel of the grace of God.’”
Philadelphia, Pa.
“I give out Messages of Love to children in the Sunday school, and in the hospital, and in the Harrison Home, and in the mill, and the people like them so well I think it would be a pity to not continue them, as the Lord may save some of them, or draw them nearer to Himself.”
Atlantic City, N. J.
“We do appreciate your sending the Messages of Love to us very much. Our little Sunday school of bed-ridden children look forward to the reading of the stories in these little papers every Sunday. I fear we have not expressed our thanks enough.
“Hope the papers will continue to come.”
Brooklyn, N. Y.
“I can tell you the Messages of Love’do lots of good. I give them to my class of 45 small children, and the rest I give to some sick old ladies, who enjoy them very much. We are thankful for them. We are a very poor church, and will be pleased to still receive them.”
Brooklyn, N. Y.
“The Messages of Love papers are being taken to the Orphan Asylum still, and the children look for them and enjoy them very much.
“There are about 200 to 250 children in the asylum, 40 of whom cannot read. They are the infant class. I have kept out a few copies each week, and have taken or sent them to homes where there is much need for just such simple Gospel stories, and I am sure the Lord is blessing them to souls. For instance, I had the opportunity of speaking to a young girl and her aunt about the Lord. The young girl thanked me. I then gave her the ‘Messages of Love.’ One day when reading one of them, she said she thought of those things I told her, and with what she read in one of the copies of Messages of Love, she went up to her room and gave her heart to the Lord, and now is very happy. So, dear brother, the Lord does give encouragement, for which we thank Him. Soon He will come for us, and then we shall know in that day the fruit.”
Shanghai, China.
“We think it is time to write again and thank you warmly for the continuation of your favor in sending S. S. Literature to Shanghai. It is very much appreciated. We can use almost unlimited supplies of S. S. Messages of Love papers and cards in China. There is a wave of more than passing interest in things foreign passing over China at the present time and the interest in English is so great in Shanghai, especially, and other coast cities. Your interest in our work is very deeply felt by both teachers and students. It is a good time in which to sow Gospel Seed through the United States mail bag. We thank God for all that He sends to us; and trust Him, continually, to supply all our need, in this and also in other particulars. The heated term is fast approaching. We have dry and rainy seasons in our part of the world. It is very hot and humid from now on, until September. We think God is overruling the differences between the North and the South, and will give us another still wider “open door” for the Gospel, ere the end comes.”