Facts, Not Feelings

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
The gospel of God is a statement of facts. When a sinner receives it as God's message to his soul, then God's Word says he has become a possessor of everlasting life. He "hath" everlasting life (John 3:36).
Yet strange to say, many refuse to believe it until they feel within themselves some evidence that it is so. This is not faith. Faith believes God apart from feelings.
Reader, if you are occupied with your feelings instead of God's facts, will you read again the record that God has given concerning His Son, and concerning the present salvation of all who believe on Him? Then, by faith lay hold on the facts as God has given them. Give no heed to feelings, good or bad. We trust no feeling, no frame, but only what God saith: looking away from self to Christ. This is saving faith.
"By grace are ye saved through faith." Eph. 2:8. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1.