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MARION was a little girl about nine years old. One hot summer day she went out with her mother and grandmother. The sun poured down on the white stones of the pavement, giving everything a glittering look, which was very trying to Marion’s weak eyes. She longed to shut her eyes, but was afraid to walk along blindfold lest she should fall.
Was not her mother by her side, and would she not take care of her daughter? Marion knew that she would, so without saying a word, she closed her tired eyes, and slipping her hand into her mother’s, walked along in safety close to her mother’s side. Was she then afraid of falling? No, for her mother held her hand, and she felt perfectly safe although her eyes were shut.
When Marion’s grandmother saw how the little girl trusted in her mother, she said,
“That is a true type of what faith in God is, to trust Him perfectly, and to know that we are safe near Him.”
“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” Psa. 37:5.
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” 1 Pet. 5:7.
ML 07/02/1933