Faithful Pal

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
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PAL, the dog, was following two men as they walked along the road. If you had watched Pal ambling along you would not have known whose dog he was.
When they came to a crossroad one man turned to the right but the other man went straight on ahead; Pal followed him. Pal knew whom he belonged to and followed his master.
The Lord Jesus is the blessed Master of all the boys and girls, and grown-ups too, who love and trust Him as their Saviour. He goes before them and they follow Him. Do you belong to this wonderful Lord and Master? Is He your Saviour? Which way do you go?
“One is your Master, even Christ.” Matt. 23:8.
“If any man serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall also My servant be.” John 12:26.