Faithful Unto Death

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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Memory Verse: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
An evangelist was once staying at a farm for a few days. Just before breakfast one morning the farmer came into the house and asked his guest to follow him.
“Come and see this!” he said, and led the way across the barnyard to some outer buildings. There was a mother hen sitting on a nest with her brood of little chicks peeking out from under her wings. What a lovely sight it was!
The farmer told his friend to touch her. “She’s stone dead!” he exclaimed. “Look at that wound in her head!” The evangelist was mystified until the farmer exclaimed: “A weasel must have attacked her during the night, and sucked all the blood out of her body. But she never moved, afraid lest the enemy would discover her chicks and destroy them too.”
How this reminds us of the faithful love of the Lord Jesus! As He hung upon the cross, men reproached and ridiculed Him, saying, “He saved others; Himself He cannot save.”
How gloriously true this is! He took our place in judgment and death; He bore what we deserved. All the suffering of the cross He endured in our stead, so that we might live.
Had He saved Himself, we could never be saved, but would be lost forever in the woes of an endless hell.
Have you, dear reader, turned to the Lord Jesus for salvation? Are you sheltered under His wings? He is the only refuge for the sinner. Only there are we safe from the enemy of our souls, Satan the Destroyer; and only there are we safe from the judgment of our sins.
He was “delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification.” Rom. 4:25.