NOT very long ago, a servant of God was sitting as usual with his Bible class one Sunday afternoon, and as the group of lads gathered round him, he noticed that three of those who were generally there were absent. They were three brothers, and for many Sundays each afternoon had found them in the same place on the sofa, but today their seat was empty, and he wondered what had kept them away. Soon after the class commenced, a knock was heard at the outer door, and he rose to see who was there. He found two of the brothers, who told him that their father had sent them to ask if he would come to them as soon as school was over, for Walter, the youngest boy, was dead. He promised, and later in the afternoon made his way to the house where the brothers lived. They spoke together a little of Walter, and he longed to ask them if they knew whether he was safe, but presently the father said, “Would you like to see him?” and he thought, “I will wait till we go upstairs.” The father led the way up the staircase, and into his son’s room. Walter lay there, looking so calm, a smile on his cold lips. Presently his father said that shortly before his death they had repeated to him the words, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” and brightly and happily he had taken it up, himself adding, “Thanks be unto God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Thus, resting peacefully in the Lord Jesus, Walter fell asleep. A few days after they laid his body in the grave, sorrowing much, for they had dearly loved him, but full of joy in the knowledge that he had reached home safely, and was forever at rest with the One who had loved him and given Himself for him, the One who gathers the lambs in His arm, and carries them in His bosom.
Dear little children who read this story of Walter, how would it be with you if death came to you suddenly as it did to him? Could you meet it peacefully, knowing that you were going to Jesus? Do you know that one day you may hear of Jesus for the last time? Will you not come to Him now? He is such a loving Saviour, you will find Him ready to receive you, He has said, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
“Forever with the Lord!”
Amen! so let it be:
Life from the dead is in that word,
‘Tis immortality.
1 Thess. 4:17.