family, kine, oxen

“Kine” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

Plural of cow
(Gen. 41:17-21).

“Ox” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(sprinkle). The male of the cow kind, and in scripture synonymous with bull. Used for plowing (Deut. 22:10); threshing, without muzzle (Deut. 25:4); draft (Num. 7:3); burden (1 Chron. 12:40); beef (Deut. 14:4); sacrifices (1 Kings 1:9).

“Kine” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

A word generally signifying “cows,” but its use is not strictly confined to the female (compare Deut. 7:13; Deut. 28:4,18,51).

“Ox, Oxen” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

Several Hebrew words are translated both Ox, Oxen, and Bull, Bullock. The principal word for “bullock” is par, this is constantly spoken of as offered in the sacrifices (Ex. 29:3-14). The same word is used in Psalm 22:12: “many bulls have compassed me.” The principal words translated “oxen” are:
1. baqar, so called because used for labor, though also offered in sacrifice (Num. 7:3-88; 2 Chron. 35:8-12).
2. shor, so called from its strength, boldness (Ex. 21:28-36; Prov. 14:4; Ezek. 1:10). In Psalm 22:12 for “strong [bulls]” the word is abbir, signifying “mighty one,” it is translated “bulls” in Psalm 50:13; Psalm 68:30; Isaiah 34:7 and Jeremiah 50:11. The ox is typical of attributive power in patience as found in the living creatures in Ezekiel 1:10; and in Revelation 4:7.
For WILD BULL in Isaiah 51:20 the word is to; and the WILD OX in Deuteronomy 14:5 is teo. Both of these are supposed to refer to some large antelope, which could be caught in a strong net.

Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

from 502; a family; also (from the sense of yoking or taming) an ox or cow
KJV Usage:
family, kine, oxen