Feast of the New Moon, the.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
Held first day of the month. Num. 10:10.
Celebrated with blowing of trumpets. Num. 10:10. Psa. 81:3, 4.
Sacrifices at. Num. 28:11-15.
Inquiring of God's messengers. 2 Kin. 4:23.
Worship in God's house. Isa. 66:23. Ezek. 46:1.
Entertainments. 1 Sam. 20:5, 18.
Observed with great solemnity. 1 Chron. 23:31. 2 Chr. 2:4. 2 Chr. 3:13. 2 Chr. 31:3.
Restored after captivity. Ezra 3:5. Neh. 10:33.
Mere outward observance of, hateful to God. Isa. 1:13, 14.
Disliked by the ungodly. Amos 8:5.
The Jews deprived of, for sin. Hos. 2:11.
Observance of, by Christians, condemned. Col. 2:16, with Gal. 4:10.