February 18

1 Samuel 18:4
“Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow and to his girdle” ―1 Samuel 18:4.
IT was as though he said, “What things were gain to me, these I counted loss for” David—the one chosen of God to deliver Israel. In this Jonathan portrays the attitude of soul which all should manifest toward our Lord Jesus Christ who has overcome, for us, him that had the power of death in order that He might deliver those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. Jonathan’s actions said, “Nothing is too good for David, for him who took his life in his hand to set us free from the dread Philistine who had terrorized Israel for so long.” Surely we who owe all to Him who has wrought so much greater a deliverance should withhold nothing from Christ, who has brought us into “this grace wherein we stand.”
“I had broken the law, and was sentenced to die;
I knew I was guilty, had naught to reply,
And my conscience tormented me sore:
When my Friend came in view, showed His hands and His side,
And told me that once in my stead He had died,
That I might have life evermore.
Such, than, is my Friend. Oh, I wish I could sound
The praise of His name to earth’s uttermost bound!
I would sound it again and again!
Do you ask who it is that has stilled my complaints?
Oh, listen, ye sinners! Oh, praise Him, ye saints!
—R. H. T.