Try to fill in the missing letters in the squares.
This story is found in 1 Samuel 13.
There was a man in Israel who went up with his wife, _ _ N _ _ H, to Shiloh to worship before the Lord. Now Hannah did not have any children. She P _ _ Y _ D to the Lord, promising that if the Lord would send her a _ _ N, she would give him back to serve the Lord in the temple. The Lord heard Hannah’s prayer, and gave her a son. Hannah named him S _ M _ _ L. True to her word, Hannah took Samuel, when he was still a child, up to Shiloh and brought him to _ L _, the priest. She said, “I have L _ N _ him to the Lord; as long as he liveth.” And so Samuel served the Lord even when he was a child. Every Y _ _ R Hannah went up to see Samuel, and she brought him a little C _ _ T which she made from year to year. One N _ _ _ T when Samuel was _ _ L _ _ P he heard his name called. He went to Eli, but Eli had not called Samuel. Eli told Samuel that it must be the Lord, and the next time he heard his name called he should say, “S _ E _ _, Lord; for Thy S _ _ V _ N _ H _ A _ _ _ H.” Samuel did this, and the Lord spoke to him about the things He would do in Israel. Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him. All Israel knew that he was a P _ _ P _ _ T of the Lord.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
NOVEMBER 24, 1991