Edited by Heyman Wreford
TO be even a finger post, and a finger post to show the way to the cross of Christ, what a privilege! Dear reader, have — you ever thought of it, that our gracious Father in heaven will use even me — you — to point others to the Saviour, if we will humbly ask Him? A delightful letter we had from the Front in July gave testimony of this. An Army Scripture Reader writes: “How often men come along and thank me for ‘Messages’ given them probably days before, and others write and thank me and I did not know a word until after they had left, so what can I say to these things? Thank God, surely it is good for us to be here as finger posts, pointing men to Christ.”
Now, what is the way to Christ, who says Himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”? First, we must find out we are sinners and need saving. Second, we must look to the Saviour, Christ Jesus, and believe that He has died for them instead of us.
I heard a beautiful fact about the doctor who discovered chloroform. Someone asked him what he considered was the greatest discovery he had ever made. After silently thinking awhile, he answered, “My greatest discovery has been that I am a sinner, and that Jesus Christ is my Saviour.” Now, dear reader, if you too have made this discovery, this true, true record of yourself and the blessed Saviour, make use of the time that is left you, daily, hourly to be a finger post to point others to find out this wonderful discovery of being a sinner — and a sinner saved.
Emily P. Leakey