Finished and Written

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
"It is finished" (John 19:30). These words were uttered by our Lord on the cross, when He was bearing our sins in His own body on the tree, when by His cruel death He was working out our redemption, and these words tell us that the great work is done. Our sins being there "laid on Him", God judged them and put them away forever. Now that the work is done, we cannot add to it; we cannot take from it. The work is forever FINISHED.
And this is our salvation, for by faith we see God dealing with Christ about our sins. Christ, our Substitute, bore the judgment of them. Thus the sins of all who believe on Him are borne away. This is shown by God having raised Him up from the grave by His own power, proving clearly that God was satisfied with Christ's death on the cross, and that "in Him we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins." We have simply to believe the record and be eternally saved.
But just as "It is finished" is our salvation, the precious word, "It is written," ASSURES us of our salvation —gives us the knowledge of it. The first text tells us of the work of Christ by which we are saved; the second text makes us happy because we know it. And we know we are eternally saved, not from our feelings or experiences or good conduct, but from the Word of God, which never changes. It is always the same.
When Satan whispers in your heart any doubts about this, just do what our Lord did: say, "IT IS WRITTEN." The WORD is available to us as it was to Him. Let us use it, the sword of the Spirit. These sword-thrusts will soon make the enemy flee.
Let us rejoice that the work on the cross of Calvary ("It is finished") forever saves us, and that "It is written" assures us, gives us the blessed knowledge of it. So the Blood makes us safe, but the Word makes us certain.