Fishers of Men

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
THE shores of Galilee first heard the message;
'Twas spoken by Thy lips, most gracious Lord, " Come after Me, and I will make you fishers
Of men to be." Such was Thy wondrous word.
Thy word is still the same, to-day, Lord Jesus;
To me Thou speak'st as to Thine own of yore.
They heard and followed. They obeyed the message.
Their boats and nets they left upon the shore.
" Fishers of men to be." Such was Thy promise.
Can this be true, e'en now for such as me?
Wilt Thou teach even me the blessed secret Of winning precious souls to trust in Thee?
Blest Savior, well Thou knowest all my longings To serve Thee here, Who gav'st Thyself for me, And often hast Thou heard my heart's petition
That in my net, e'en one fish caught might be.
Lord Jesus, teach me how to follow after,
To walk the pathway that Thou once didst tread.
No selfish ease was Thine, no downy pillow,
Thou hadst not here a place to lay Thy head.
Jehovah's perfect Servant! Toiling ever Thou hadst no leisure so much as to eat, The night oft found Thee praying to Thy Father,
The time the giddy world was hushed in sleep.
Lord Jesus! May I study Thee more closely, See more Thy meekness and Thy grace divine, Be more and more with Thee in close communion
That many fish from my net may be Thine.