Five Words to Saints: Profit

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Profit – the necessity, when gathered together, of seeking the profit of all – is my third word.
Not coming together to please ourselves, but, in all we say and do, seeking to profit those present. This is what we should aim at, and for this purpose God has given us His Holy Spirit.
“The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.” 1 Corinthians 12:7
But how little this is sought! How little waiting on the Lord there is! The presence of the Lord seems to be forgotten by many of the saints. The way they speak and act often shows that they have not in their souls the sense of the Lord’s own presence in their midst. They seem not to know, or to have forgotten, that the Spirit is there to lead and teach. Man’s will and man’s thoughts ought to have no place where God’s Holy Spirit is the only One who can make known to us His Word, and profit our souls. It would seem that some like to hear themselves speaking, and to let others hear them speak. They will sometimes say things without meaning, like a parrot repeating the words of another, forgetting that God is listening, and that He has said, “Let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.” Ecclesiastes 5:2
Such a solemn truth seems not to be perceived by them. They appear only to think how they can fill up the time. When we are together, let us remember that Christ is present with us, and the Holy Spirit is there to glorify Him; and let us be sure that what we think, and what we say, is of the Lord; for none can edify except as led by Him.
(To be continued)