Flee Youthful Lusts

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The instruction to separate from evil is followed by the equally important injunction, “Flee also youthful lusts” (2 Tim. 2:22). Having separated from the corruptions of Christendom, we are to beware lest we fall into the corruptions of nature. “Youthful lusts” would not only allude to the grosser desires of the flesh, but also to all those things which fallen nature desires with the thoughtless impetuosity and self-will of youth. Never are we in greater danger of acting in the flesh than when we have acted in faithfulness to the Lord. Another has said, “We may be beguiled into moral relaxation through satisfaction in our ecclesiastical separation.” How seasonable then is this exhortation to “Flee also youthful lusts,” following, the injunction to withdraw from iniquity and separate from vessels to dishonor.
H. Smith