Following Closely

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We were driving through an area where there were trees on both sides of the highway. The pavement seemed wide and the trees were quite a distance from the highway. Something was moving ahead of us on the highway, so we slowed down our speed a little. As we got closer, the little creatures on the road were running ahead of us so fast that we could hardly recognize what they were!
When we came even closer and were going very slowly, we realized it was a mother rabbit and the tiniest baby rabbit we had ever seen! When the mother dashed in one direction, the baby rabbit did the same thing. So they continued on ahead of us on the highway, dashing one direction, then another, with the baby rabbit always following right behind its mother.
We decided they must have come from the nearby woods but were bewildered when coming to a paved highway. We feared for their lives as a fast vehicle could easily run over the pair. But as we drove away, they were still running together as fast as they could on the paved highway.
It was evident the baby rabbit completely trusted its mother, because whatever little twist in direction the mother took, the baby followed right behind her! How good it is for young boys and girls, as well as we who are older, to put our trust in the Lord Jesus and follow Him closely. He won’t lead us the wrong way; He promises to guide us the right way. “This God is our God forever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death” (Psalm 48:14). “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).