Food for the Hungry

Listen from:
Matthew 14:13 to 21
Jesus and His disciples went to a lonely part of the country of Galilee where no one lived, to have a quiet time. But people soon learned where He had gone, and began to follow Him, tang their sick friends and relatives with them to be healed. Before long there was a large crowd of several thousand people out in that wilderness.
Jesus was sorry for the sick and cured them all, and talked to the people. When it was near evening, the disciples spoke to Him that He should send the people to their homes, because there was no place near where they could get any food.
There were children also in the crowd who had walked to this place, and Jesus was sorry for all those people to walk home again, hungry and tired. He said to the disciples,
“They need not depart; give ye them to eat.”
The disciples could not understand how they could give food to so many people: they said that they had only five loaves of bread, and two fishes.
Jesus knew Himself what He could do, and He told them to bring the bread and fish to Him. Then He said for the people to sit down on the grass.
“And looking up to Heaven, He blessed, and broke the loaves and gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitude, They did all eat and were filled.”
Not only did the people have plenty to eat, but there was much bread left which was put in baskets. The disciples must have been very surprised to have the five loaves and two fish supply all that big company. And how good the food must have tasted to the hungry boys and girls! They would not forget it, and should always have trusted One so kind and with such power.
You may think bread and fish a poor meal, but it was good food, perhaps the fish were dried, as often so kept in warm lands, and was such a meal as many might have had at home. Jesus did not think the meal too small, or too plain to give thanks to God in Heaven, and this was an example for us. Grain could not grow for bread, nor there be any other food to eat, except that God caused all to grow.
After the meal was over, Jesus sent the people to their homes.
How many men were fed, beside the women and children? (Matt. 14:21).
How many baskets were filled with the pieces? (Matt. 14:20).
How do we know the people walked to this place? (Matt. 14:13).
Read this story also in John 6:5-14.
ML 06/06/1943