I have long since learned (from Matthew 12:46-50) that spiritual ties are closer than the closest of natural ties, and that the state of the church to-day has largely resulted from the failure to recognize this truth.
"Love is of God." Does a saint love you, divinely love you? Trace it back to the heart of God.
Of necessity those who are closest to Christ will be themselves drawn closer together.
It is only where divine affections for the people of God exist in the heart, as so markedly exemplified in Moses and in Paul, as well as in Daniel and Ezra, that there can be power in intercession on their behalf. And may it not be suggested that the urgent need of to-day is that of intercessors? holy men and women who, divinely taught and filled with the Spirit, shall be enabled, like Epaphras, to labor fervently for the saints in prayer.
"The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and soul." The root of all discords in the church of God is the lack of the Spirit's power; where He works unhinderedly in any company of saints, because ungrieved, there must be unity.... The lack of enjoyed unity in any company is due to the absence of the power of the Holy Spirit.
E. D.