For a Little Disciple of the Lord Jesus.

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O Lord, my foolish heart,
Would lead me oft astray,
But Thou my faithful Shepherd art,
O! keep me day by day.
And, Lord, my tongue is apt
To speak some foolish word,
Unless by Thee I’m daily taught,
And Thou fresh grace afford.
Mine ears will oft attend
To vain and foolish talk,
Unless I’m hearkening to my Friend,
And with Him daily walk.
My feet are apt to tread
In paths that lead from Thee,
But if by Thee I’m daily led,
In safety I shall be.
Mine eyes will oft delight
In things that foster pride,
But if Thou fill my soul with light
I humble shall abide.
Lord Jesus, I would long
More like Thee here to be,
Till I shall join that ransomed throng,
And there Thy glory see.
And there I’ll sing Thy love,
Which saved my soul from hell;
I’ll cast my crown with those above,
And of Thy mercy tell.
ML 05/21/1916