For Ireland and the Miners

Dear Dr. Wreford, Please find enclosed a note towards your Testament Fund for Ireland and the North of England, where the miners are reading terrible literature from Russia. Oh! that such books might be destroyed, and God’s Holy Word be read in their stead. There is much need of prayer just now.
And the need of the Word of God is overwhelming.
Letters for Ireland
Mrs.―encloses check to be used for bringing blessing and revival to Ireland in whatever way is best. Trusting that great blessing may rest upon the Word.
DUBLIN My dear friend, ―I send you fourteen cards for Testaments. The soldiers told me at―that if the Sinn Feiners knew I go to see them they will shoot me. I told an earnest Christian about it, and he asked me where I saw them. I said, “In the street and at the Barracks.” He said he would let me use my own discretion, but he certainly would not advise me to give up going to the Barracks. The Lord has always preserved me, and I think of that verse, “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and coming in.” I meet the soldiers outside the Barracks, as I cannot get a pass to go inside.
200 Testaments to Ireland
Dear Dr. Wreford, — I enclose check for £3 for sending two hundred Testaments to Ireland.

From Cork
We have a nice S.C.A. here... also a good meeting arranged for Lord’s Day evenings. This is a large garrison and a needy place... We have a dear lad called a believer, who has been in two ambuscades in a fortnight, the last one putting him in hospital, wounded badly in the back. In the first ambush he was the only one not wounded. He is progressing favorably, thank God, and is able to walk and attend our meetings. I was speaking to him tonight, and he was happy in his Lord and the joy of the Lord was his strength... The Lord bless your noble work. I have pleasure in sending you this P.O. for the work of the Lord. It’s grand to be saved and know it; it is better to be saved and show it.
For Poor Ireland
Please accept the enclosed Postal Order for One Pound towards your Testament and Tract Fund for poor Ireland, and may there be the revival if it is the Lord’s will to hinder bloodshed and revolution, is indeed our earnest prayer.
A Worker in Ireland
Dear Dr. Wreford, — Thank you for your parcel of Testaments and books, etc., and believe me, I am very grateful. The good work here (Dublin) is going on happily and blessing is being manifested...
Some of your booklets and Testaments, etc., have gone away with men to all parts of Ireland, who have been passing through whilst awaiting escort; one has just had the chance of a talk with them, and left them a little book or Testament.
Poor, Needy, Suffering Ireland
Dear Dr. Wreford, — I am writing to ask if you will use the enclosed for the Gospel to be distributed in poor, needy, suffering Ireland. It has been principally contributed by my Bible Class of young women in the hope that it may be the means of blessing to the priest-oppressed people of Ireland.