The Lord is putting the finishing touches on His own. In earlier years, I had thought that this life was mainly to provide enjoyment. Now, I perceive that enjoyment cannot be regarded as the main feature of life. Not that I suggest there is no joy, for there is surely (John 15:11; 17:13; 1 Thess. 5:16). But enjoyment—because of lack of time or pressure of circumstances—is a momentary thing. Even in spiritual fellowship, with the Lord’s things before us, the responsibilities of human life often intrude.
I believe that the life of a believer on this earth is more a time of schooling and formation than of enjoyment. A man of the world labors to enjoy all which this life can furnish. The believer’s enjoyment is connected with the future. Thus, while in this scene Christians should be formed by the power of God—made intelligent by the Spirit’s teaching in appreciating all that God is, as revealed in Christ.
The family, the assembly, the circumstances of life all are valuable spheres in this formative process. In our circumstances our blessed Lord can make them irksome to teach us patience or severe to teach us endurance or meager to teach us confidence (Phil. 4:12; 2 Cor. 12:79).
The Lord could make every one of His people rich, for He has “all power” (Matt. 28:18). But all circumstances serve in His hands as education. If we accept them in that way, we shall find great profit.
Adapted from a letter