This edition of Handfuls of Purpose is a reprint of sixteen lectures delivered years ago by a devoted servant of Christ, W. T. P. Wolston, M.D. These lectures were Part 3 (Miscellaneous Subjects) of the original work, entitled Handfuls of Purpose. They have been used for much blessing to both saints and sinners, and they are happily commended to both young and old for refreshing ministry. The gospel of God concerning His Son is set forth. Precious ministry of Christ to refresh the saints’ hearts is also to be found to meet many needs of the dear saints of God during our passage through this world which we have proved to be but a spiritual wilderness. The author also carries us along in this volume to the coming of the Lord for His saints. This is the true and proper hope of the Christian, not to aid in world betterment, but to look on the passing scene with lifted gaze awaiting the Morning Star; then we will hear His voice calling us to meet Him in the air. And when that moment arrives we shall “ever be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:17).
May we wait and watch for His return as those who are awake in the night, anticipating the rising of the Bright Morning Star.