Far away in the city of Shanghai China, there was a man who had a large family, hut sad to say he did not love them very much. He was poor and could not buy enough food to feed them all, and so one day he said to the eldest girl, “You will have to take your little sister away, for we have too many mouths to fill.”
The elder sister led her away to another part of that great city, and then said to her, “Wait here for a little while and I will soon be back.” This was a lie, for she had no thought of returning. After the little girl had waited a long, long time, she realized that her sister had forsaken her, and she started to cry. At last a kind policeman saw her and took her to a “love school,” which had been opened just for girls like her by missionaries who wanted to tell them about the Lord Jesus.
The kind missionaries took her in and gave her a nice warm bath, a good meal, and a comfortable bed. She stayed in this new home for a long time, and there, with about two hundred girls like herself, she heard about how the Lord Jesus had died for sinners. She learned of a better home above where all the boys and girls who take Jesus, as their Saviour will spend eternity.
Now I expect most of you little girls who read this story have a father who loves you, and he would not leave you all alone on a street corner like this poor little Chinese girl. But no matter how much your father loves you, or how nice a home you have in the world, you will have to leave it someday, I wonder if you have a home above, in God the Father’s house. Have you come to His Son, the Lord Jesus, in order that you might be cleansed in His precious blood, and made fit for that bright name where sin can never enter? It is most important that you come to Him now, for some day it will be to late and the door will be shut, never to open again. Why not come to Jesus today?
“And they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” Matthew 25:10.
ML 11/05/1950