Fragment: Bright and Morning Star

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Dan Crawford used to tell how, when his Africans were on the march, and night was coming on, they would lie down to sleep. But before dropping off to sleep, there would pass from group to group about the fires the watchword "Lutanda" (morning star). It was a laconic agreement to be up and ready to move when the morning star appeared.
"He is coming, coming for us ; soon we'll see His light afar,
On the dark horizon gleaming, as the bright and morning star,
Cheering every waking watcher, as the star whose kindly ray
Heralds the approaching morning, just before the break of day.
Oh! what joy, as night hangs round us, 'tis to think of morning's ray;
Sweet to know He's coming for us, just before the break of day."