Fragment: God Holds the Reins

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
"The masses, when mind is active, you will see, I doubt not, turn to rationalist infidelity; the upper orders and governmental powers to be under the influence of JudÓ•o-heathenism. Still, as yet, God holds the reins, and there is One who, if He shuts, no man can open; if He opens, no man can shut; and in the energy of His grace, it is our part in all wisdom, for the days are evil, to assert the Lordship of Christ, the spiritual holiness of His name in the world, and the perfectness of His redemption, gift of a God of love when no good was in man, and perfect in reconciling us to Him. The written word is the great unchanging sure rule, where God Himself speaks; pointed out as the safeguard in the last days, when the pretensions of the church, which contradict Christ's Lordship (for I have a lord, not a lady, over me, and cannot serve two), and corruption are rising up, as we wait daily for Him who shall present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy." J. N. D.