God's provisions of grace are perfect and infinite. Perfect and infinite are they, if looked at in their absoluteness in Christ, as founding our happiness deeper than the deepest ruins of sin, and raising it in Him, in a life that is eternal, above all change, and time, and death, and so, allying the heart in its hopes, and prospects with all, that is timeless, permanent, and eternal.
This we see in God's meeting us in Christ, " when we were dead in trespasses and sins;" and, from that abyss, quickening us together with Him, and raising us up together, and " seating us together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
But no less are these provisions of grace perfect and infinite, if viewed with regard to our present place in the world, and modified by the exigencies of our condition as the children of God, " in the world," but " not of the world," as Christ was not, and journeying toward our eternal inheritance in Him. God would have His children not only "kept from the evil that is in the world," but in intercourse with Himself. " Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ." We are now-here -in the world-" to walk in the light, as God is in the light;" and in order that this may be possible, and our fellowship be unbroken, His provision is " the blood of Jesus Christ his Son," which 14 cleanseth us from all sin." The blood is here seen in its cleansing power, as fitting us to dwell in the courts of heavenly light-light where God dwells -and not in its atoning efficacy as meeting the penalty of our guilt. But there is the practical cleansing also. This is attached to the act of confession -confession of all that is practically unfit for the light. " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
But there is more than this: the very trials and vicissitudes of the wilderness through which we are passing, and which are often so sore a test of our patience, are in God's purpose, and to our faith, but the occasions of the active communications of that grace, the provisions of which are perfect and infinite.