It is wonderful to see the veil viewed as rent before the death of our Lord in Luke’s gospel. There we see the perfect Man, that Holy Thing “who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s” (Heb. 7:27). In Luke, the testimony to His holy, perfect manhood is rendered, both by the veil rent prior to His death and then by those words which could be truly spoken only of Him: “Certainly this was a righteous Man.”
There, too, we see the peace and meal offerings, sweet savor offerings, having their fulfillment in our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. The veil must come down, and that, as it says only in Luke, being rent “in the midst” (not from the top to the bottom). Nothing about this Man would prevent Him from going into the presence of His Father, without an offering for Himself! Blessed Saviour, may our hearts go forth to Thee in worship!
H. Short