There are two ways in which we learn the knowledge of God -by enjoying Him-or by our needs, to which He ministers. At present it is chiefly the latter: by and bye it will be the former.
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, note the Father's love in falling on the son's neck, and kissing him in all his rags; then introducing him into the house, clothed in the best robe. It would have been discreditable to the Father, had his son been in his house in rags.
An ambassador is not of the country into which he is sent: so we, having to bear witness for Christ down here, should do so according to the glory in which he has set us: and, as being born from above, carry out into the daily details of our conversation the great and heavenly principles, of that country, to which by our new birth we belong.
All through the gospel of John we find Christ occupied with putting His disciples in the same place with Himself, before God and before the world.