
SOME say, “I fully believe that Christ is the very true Son of God, one with the Father, and all His work and grace, but I do not know whether I have an interest in Him.” This is the subtlety of Satan, and bad teaching, which would still throw you back off Christ.
God, for our comfort, has identified the two things, by stating that “by Him all that believe are justified from all things” (Acts 13:39). In a word, to say, “I believe, but I do not know whether I have an interest,” is a delusion of the devil; for God says it is those who believe who have the interest — that is His way of dealing.
I have no more right to believe that I am a sinner, in myself, as God views it, than that I am righteous in Christ. The same testimony declares that none are righteous, and that all believers are justified. J. N. D.