Art had left with his sister, Sue, to spend a vacation up in the mountains. But before leaving home, Art and one of his pals named Fred had arranged that they would write each other every week, telling about all the news of the ball games, fishing and other things that boys like to know about.
The first and second letters were exchanged with nothing particularly exciting in them. Then one Monday morning Art and Sue stood by the roadside waiting for the postman, both eagerly expecting letters from home.
“One for me,” shouted Art, as he took the packet from the mailman’s hand, “and a good fat one it is, too. Lots of news from Fred, I guess.” He burst open the envelope and sat down on the grass to read Fred’s letter, while Sue also sat down to read one from her mother. When Art had finished reading, he handed part of Fred’s letter to Sue, saying in a bewildered tone: “That beats all. Fred is converted! That’s my last pal gone now.”
Yes, Fred had been saved, truly born again and turned to the Lord. His first work for his new Master was to write and tell his friend, Art, what God had done for his soul. He closed his letter with an earnest appeal to Art to come to the Saviour, too.
For several days Art went about very unhappy. Fred’s letter had upset him. Unable to endure it any longer, he took an early train on Saturday and went home to see his friend. I cannot tell you all that passed between them, but I know that Fred, with the love and joy of Christ filling his heart, led Art to Jesus that day. Art came back to the mountains singing the glad new song of one who has found Christ, who knows his sins are forgiven. When vacation was over, Art joined his pal, Fred, at school. The two boys testified for Christ, and they let their light shine for many days.
Dear young friends, there is nothing so wonderful as being saved in your early days. Are you saved? There are hundreds of boys and girls who are saved and on their way to heaven. I meet with some of them every day, and they are the truly happy ones. The Lord Jesus wants to make you happy. Will you not let Him?
“Those that seek Me early shall find Me.” Proverbs 8:17.
“Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live.” Isaiah 55:3.