AMAN who used to take the place of being a Christian fell into sin, and even ceased to believe the Bible. After a time he became ill, and felt that he was going to die. He thought of his sins, and was greatly alarmed.
His distress of mind was such that it was fearful to see him. He so trembled that the bed on which he lay shook under him.
They tried to get a preacher of the gospel to go and see him; but there was not one in the neighborhood where he lived. It happened that a young man who was a true Christian was on a visit to a family living near. He was asked to go and see the sick man. He went, and entering the room, he sat down by the bedside. But when he saw the great agony the sick man was in, he knew not what to say.
He asked him what caused him so much distress.
“My sins! my sins!" was his despairing cry.
The young man was afraid to speak any words of his own; so he repeated a number of verses of Scripture which came into his mind, and which he thought would suit the sick man's case.
One of these verses was as follows: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." (1 Tim. 1:15.)
The man caught at this text in a moment. It seemed to take right hold of his mind. “Repeat that text," he said to the young man.
It was repeated.
“Is that true?" he asked.
“It is," was the answer;” it is God's own truth; the word of Him who cannot lie." (Titus 1:2.)
“Then I am safe," said the sick man. The look of horror passed away from his face, and the smile of peace took its place.
The change was brought about in a moment.
It was wonderful. It was like the voice of Jesus when He rebuked the stormy sea: “And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." (Mark 4:39.) Or like a sudden burst of sunshine coming into a dark room and filling it with brightness. Or like God saying, "Let there be light” when "darkness was upon the face of the deep.”
“And there was light." (Gen. 1:2, 3.) Thus the sinner who believes the word of God is brought “out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9.)
Does the reader know what it is to be in the light of God?