The following extracts are from the pen of one of our dear young readers who departed to be with the Lord a few months ago, and who early in her life had realized the nothingness of this world’s pleasures, and sought in her quiet, sweet way to lead others to closer companionship with the Lord Jesus Christ. These were written to a dear friend undergoing trial, sand her plea is for loyalty to Christ, and all to be done to the glory of God.
“The Lord has your interests and mine as much at heart as any of His redeemed ones—and think of His power and love for His children!
We are not promised a path strewn with flowers and perpetual prosperity, but we are promised perfect peace if our hearts are fixed on God. It may not be all we expect, but if it is His way, then it must be well. The fruitful life is one that has known much sorrow.
This text was on the calendar for today, “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised.” (Heb. 10:33).
I would love automobiles, fine clothes, servants, and to be able to walk into a store and have the clerks say, “This is Mrs. so and so she is very wealthy;” as I have heard it said of others. I would like to have loads of money to give away—why there is not enough in the, whole world to satisfy, when I think of everything. But when we dwell on higher things rand eternal life that you and I have, and think of what it means to those who are drifting down to eternity—dreadful thought! do not wealth, fame, and temporary alleviation appear like an infinitesimal atom. On the other hand, what tire we going to do in return for what has been one for us?
I feel that God has some great thing for on, because He has tried you so hard! He knows how much we can stand, and what we need for refining.
“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him.” (James 1:12).
Father used to say that heaven is where, Christ is, and I am only beginning to understand it, after trying to realize what it could be like.
When I came into the house last night G. was reading to the girls, and as the subject was most opportune, I want to tell you what he was reading about. For the last few evenings he has been reading in Kings, and the part that touched him more than anything else, were the trials of the prophet Elijah, one whom the Bible calls the man of God. He had been struggling for years with Israel and then gave up in despair, though he had been brought through great trials before, when Jezebel threatens him, he flees into the wilderness and loses his faith in God. Even then, the Lord in His mercy feeds him. There is wind, an earthquake, and fire, and Elijah finds out that the Lord is not in these—but in the still small voice.
There came a voice unto him which said, “What doest thou here Elijah?” Elijah thought there were no fruits of his labors in Israel, but the Lord tells him there are 7,000 which have not bowed the knee to Baal, a faithful few whom his eyes had not seen.
Do everything, I pray you, to God’s glory and stand faithful. All the world would think you a fool for giving up worldly glory and pleasure, for they do not see nor understand. Remember Christ in the wilderness and what Satan offered him—the whole world! You are acknowledging Christ, and that is what Satan is after because you have stepped aside to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ, and remember it is only for a little while. Some people get their testing time early, and some later in life, but know that you will get no more than you can stand.
If you do not feel able to teach in the Sunday School, all right; but don’t stay away from the Prayer meetings if you can possibly go; it is there where we get our strength and encouragement. Nor from the morning meetings, where the Lord Himself comes into our midst. Though you are sad at heart, He accepts the humblest offerings of worship.
May God guide you at this time and keep you unswerving in your testimony for Christ, and faithful in your walk.
With warmest love to you in our soon coming Lord!”