
“From ME is thy fruit found.”―Hoses 14:8.
“Without ME ye can do nothing.”―John 15:5.
OUR God and Father loves to see
The Spirit’s fruit abound
In those who form His family;
Fruit precious, sweet, and sound.
Yet let us not think overmuch
Of how much fruit we bear;
For they whose thoughts are often such
Will yield the smallest share.
Nor let us in supineness sleep,
And yield to fleshly ease;
Or o’er our souls a chill will creep,
A blight our fruit will seize.
But may we quietly sit still
At Jean’s blessed feet;
With grace and truth our bosoms fill,
And humbly keep our seat.
The soul that unto Jesus cleaves,
And leans upon His breast,
And of His fullness so receives,
Will soon show forth the rest.
His fruitfulness will then appear
In each approved pursuit;
For God appoints to each a sphere
In which to yield Him fruit.
Then such a soul will, like a tree
Set by the river’s side,
Bring forth, for God and man to see,
Good fruit that will abide.
And all the praise shall be the Lord’s,
To whom alone ‘tis due;
For He it is that grace affords
To yield Him aught that’s true.