A LADY, who was out carriage driving with her little child, was just nearing home when the horse suddenly became frightened and ran away. At a time of such immediate danger, the mother’s first thought was the protection and safety of her darling child. So she instinctively clasped the little one to her bosom, but was at the same time, forcibly hurled from the carriage and instantly killed. The child was unhurt, but by saving its life, the poor mother had sacrificed her own. Had she protected herself, she might have been spared an awful death, and the little one, perhaps, have perished. But love made her think not of herself, but of the one that was so dear to her. And so she really gave her life for another that could not save itself.
Weak and helpless, many have known what it is to have Another
“Stand between them and the foe,
And willingly die in their stead.”
It was Jesus, who, having His people clasped in the very affections of His heart, exposed Himself —His peerless Person—to take the awful wrath of God against sin upon the cross.
Reader, was He indeed there for you? Has your faith claimed Him as a Saviour and Deliverer? Can you say, “He loved me, and gave Himself for me”?
If so, then you may know that you are clear of all guilt as to your sins, cleansed and justified by His precious blood. You are delivered from the power of Satan, sin and death. Jesus met and overcame for you, through death, the great adversary of your soul, who had the power of death, and wrought for you a great deliverance. (Heb. 2:14-15.)
Blessed Deliverer, praise His name!
ML 10/04/1903