THIS WAS the name given to a noted dwarf, Charles Stratton, because of his unusual size. He was only twenty-five inches tall and weighed fifteen pounds. He was a perfect little man and elegant in all his proportions. His clothes were made by the most distinguished tailors; his boots were perfect Wellingtons made of the softest kid leather.
In later years Tom grew to be forty inches and weighed seventy pounds.
Tom Thumb traveled with the well-known Barnum. In reply to a letter from a certain Dr. Sprague, Tom Thumb wrote:
“I was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut... I have traveled 50,000 miles, and have been before more crowned heads than any Yankee living. I read my Bible every day, and am very fond of reading the New Testament. I love my Saviour and that makes me happy. I adore my Creator, and know that He is good to all... I shall praise His name forevermore. Truly yours, Charles S. Stratton.” (known as General Tom Thumb.)
Another little man in Luke 19 obeyed the voice and call of Jesus. Do you know his name? He too could say, I love my Saviour, and that makes me happy. Can you, dear reader, say the same?