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Comprehend all nations except the Jews. Rom. 2:9. Rom. 3:9. Rom. 9:24.
Heathen. Psa. 2:1. Gal. 3:8.
Nations. Psa. 9:20. Psa. 22:28. Isa. 9:1.
Uncircumcised. 1 Sam. 14:6. Isa. 52:1.
Uncircumcision. Rom. 2:26.
Greeks. Rom. 1:16. Rom. 10:12.
Strangers. Isa. 14:1. Isa. 60:10.
Ruled by God. 2 Chr. 20:6. Psa. 47:8.
Chastised by God. Psa. 9:5. Psa. 94:10.
Counsel of, brought to naught. Psa. 33:10.
Ignorant of God. Rom. 1:21. 1 The. 4:5.
Refusing to know God. Rom. 1:28.
Without the law. Rom. 2:14.
Idolatrous. Rom. 1:23, 25. 1 Cor. 12:2.
Superstitious. Deut. 18:14.
Depraved and wicked. Rom. 1:28-32. Eph. 4:19.
Blasphemous and reproachful. Neh. 5:9.
Constant to their false gods. Jer. 2:11.
Hated and despised the Jews. Esther 9:1, 5. Psa. 44:13, 14. Psa. 123:3.
Often ravaged and defiled the holy land and sanctuary. Psa. 79:1. Lam. 1:10.
Not to follow the ways of. Lev. 18:3. Jer. 10:2.
Not to intermarry with. Deut. 7:3.
Permitted to have, as servants. Lev. 25:44.
Despised, as if dogs. Matt. 15:26.
Never associated with. Acts 10:28. Acts 11:2, 3.
Often corrupted by. 2 Kin. 17:7, 8.
Dispersed amongst. John 7:35.
Excluded from Israel's privileges. Eph. 2:11, 12.
Not allowed to enter the temple. Acts 21:28, 29.
Outer court of temple for. Eph. 2:14. Rev. 11:2.
Given to Christ as His inheritance Psa. 2:8.
Christ given as a light to. Isa. 42:6. Luke 2:32.
Conversion of, predicted. Isa. 2:2. Isa. 11:10.
United with the Jews against Christ. Acts 4:27.
The gospel not to be preached to, till preached to the Jews. Matt. 10:5. Luke 24:47. Acts 13:46.
First special introduction of the gospel to. Acts 10:34-45. Acts 15:14.
First general introduction of the gospel to. Acts 13:48, 49, 52. Acts 15:1, 2.
Paul the apostle of. Acts 9:15. Gal. 2:7, 8.
Jerusalem trodden down by, &c. Luke 21:24.
Israel rejected till the fullness of. Rom. 11:25.