Get Rich, Live Easy, Die Happy

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
A colporteur was passing, in his usual way, from door to door, seeking to sell Bibles, New Testaments, gospel books, and to speak to one and another of the Savior whom he loved.
Calling at one of the houses, he entered into conversation with a man who, when asked to purchase a book, said,
"If you have a book which will show me how to get rich, live easy, and die happy, I will buy it."
The colporteur replied that he had the very book for him. He handed him a New Testament and told him it would give him all that he had required.
And surely it is a wonderful book, a wonderful lamp, if it will show all that. But it does, and multitudes have proved the truth of what the simple servant of God declared.
It shows the way to "get rich"—really rich—rich with true riches which will give enjoyment now and forever.
It shows the way to "live easy." It gives those who believe on the Lord Jesus to know that His precious blood has redeemed them, and has cleansed them from all their sins. Thus their conscience is set at perfect rest and they have peace with God. They have come to Christ and He has given them that which He promised to all who come to Him—REST.
It shows the way to "die happy." That the future has no sorrow for Christians; that Christ has borne the judgment; that He has died and risen again; that He now is in heaven living for His own, never forgetting them; that soon He is coming again for them, and thus they may never die at all; but if they do, they can "die happy," for they know that if their spirits leave their bodies, they will be present with the Lord—all this God's Word shows.
The man bought the Testament and found it to be a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. Have you found it to be such?
"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST." Matt. 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28).