Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(given). A common way of showing esteem and confidence and securing favors (Gen. 32:13-15; 45:22-23). Kings were donees (1 Kings 4:21; 2 Chron. 17:5). Not to give, a mark of contempt (1 Sam. 10:27). Cattle given (Gen. 32:13); garments (2 Kings 5:23); money (2 Sam. 18:11); perfumes (Matt. 2:11).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
These have a large place in the Old Testament history, and several different words are used which are often translated PRESENTS. There were
1. Gifts from a superior to an inferior in good will and kindness and as rewards (Esther 2:18; Dan. 2:6, 48.
2. From an inferior to a superior (2 Chron. 9:24; 2 Chron. 17:5,11). This also took the form of tribute, an acknowledgment of submission (1 Sam. 10:27; 1 Kings 4:21). When Solomon reigned supreme, “all the earth” sought to Solomon to hear his wisdom, and brought presents, as did the queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10:2,24-25). This is a type of Christ’s kingdom as established on earth, when presents, as willing tribute, will be sent from all nations to the Lord Jesus (Psa. 45:12; 72:10,15; Isa. 60:9).
3. Gifts to judges: these were very apt to become bribes, and were strictly prohibited (Ex. 23:8; Deut. 16:19; 2 Chron. 19:7). It was usual also to take presents to prophets (1 Sam. 9:7); and as the prophets were sometimes judges, the gifts were liable to become bribes, as they did with the sons of Samuel, though Samuel himself could challenge the people, and they admitted the fact, that he had never taken a bribe to blind his eyes therewith (1 Sam. 8:3; 1 Sam. 12:3).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words: