“Inspiration” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Though this word occurs in the Bible but once in reference to the scriptures, yet the one statement in which it is found is important and full of deep meaning: “Every scripture is divinely inspired [literally, “God-breathed”], and is profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, fully fitted to every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). This places all scripture on one basis as to inspiration, whether it be historical, doctrinal, or prophetic. We learn by this passage that not simply the persons who wrote were inspired, but the writings themselves are divinely inspired (compare 2 Pet. 1:21).
All writings are composed of words, and if these writings are inspired, the words are inspired. This is what is commonly called “verbal inspiration.” Other passages speak of the importance of “words”; Peter said, “To whom shall we go? thou hast the words (ρἠματα) of eternal life” (John 6:68): and we find those words in the Gospels. When it was a question of Gentiles being brought into blessing without being circumcised, James in his address appealed to the “words” of the prophets (Acts 15:15). Paul in writing to the Corinthian saints said, “Which things also we speak, not in the ‘words’ (λόγοι) which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth” (1 Cor. 2:13). The Holy Spirit taught Paul what words to use. The whole of scripture forms the word of God, and both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament we read of “the words of God” (1 Chron. 25:5; Ezra 9:4; Psa. 107:11; John 3:34; John 8:47; Rev. 17:17). Neither must His word be added to, or taken from (Deut. 4:2; Deut. 12:32; Rev. 22:18-19).
The above passages should carry conviction to simple souls that every scripture is God-inspired. As nothing less than this is worthy of God, so nothing less than this would meet the need of man. Amid the many uncertain things around him he needs words upon which his faith can be based, and in the inspired scriptures he has them. The Lord Jesus said, “The words (ρἠματα) that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63). He had the words of eternal life; and, through the grace of God, many a soul has found them to be such, and has no more doubt of the plenary inspiration of scripture than of the existence of God Himself.
It may be noted that scripture records the sayings of wicked men, and of Satan himself. It need scarcely be said that it is not the sayings but the records of them that are inspired. Paul also, when writing on the question of marriage, makes a distinction between what he wrote as his judgment, and what he wrote as commandments of the Lord. “I speak this by permission,” he says; and again, “I give my judgment” (1 Cor. 7:6,10,12,25). He was inspired to record his spiritual judgment and to point out that it was not a command.
Some have a difficulty as to what has been called the human element in inspiration. If the words of scripture are inspired, it has been asked, how is it that the style of the writer is so manifest? John’s style, for instance, being clearly distinguishable from that of Paul. The simple answer is that it is as if one used, so to speak, different kinds of pens to write with. God made the mind of man as well as his body, and was surely able to use the mind of each of the writers He employed, and yet cause him to write exactly what He wished. God took possession of the mind of man to declare His own purposes with regard to man.
Further, it has been asserted that the doctrine of verbal inspiration is valueless, because of diversities in the Greek manuscripts, which in some places prevent anyone from determining what are the words God caused to be written. But this does not in any way touch the question of inspiration, which is, that the words written were inspired by God. Whether we have a correct copy is quite another question. The variations in the Greek manuscripts do not affect any one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, and only in a few places are the words doubtful.
Another objection to the value of verbal inspiration is that most persons read scripture in a translation, the words of which cannot, it is alleged, be said to be inspired. But if the translation conveys exactly the same meaning as in the original, the words can be said to be inspired; for instance, the words “God is love,” may surely be said to be the same as ὁ θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστίν, or Deus caritas est, Dieu est amour, or Dios es amor, to those who can read them. It may be that the translations from which the above are taken cannot in all places be said to be the same as the Greek; but this only shows the great importance of each having a correct translation in his vernacular tongue. And it must not be forgotten that the Lord Himself and those who wrote the New Testament often quoted the Septuagint, which is a translation from the Hebrew; and they quoted it as scripture.
Nothing can exceed the importance of having true thoughts of the inspiration of scripture. As no human author would allow his amanuensis to write what he did not mean, so surely what is called the word of God is God’s own production, though given through the instrumentality of man. Though there were many writers, separated by thousands of years, there is a divine unity in the whole, showing plainly that one and only one could have been its Author. That One can only have been the Almighty—Jehovah—now happily revealed to the Christian as his Father as well as his God.
“Verbal Inspiration” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
WE have still to consider the subject as to how far the variations of the manuscripts touch the verbal inspiration of the New Testament.
Many Christians fully believe that the very words of scripture are inspired; that is, that not simply the sense of scripture was directly from God, leaving the various writers to choose very much their own words, but that God also caused the writers to use His own words.
Without entering at any length into the question of inspiration, it may be well just to quote two or three passages that bear upon the verbal inspiration of scripture.
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Mark 13:31.) "The words I speak unto you, they are spirit and are life." (John 6:63.) "He that is of God heareth the words of God." (John 8:47.) "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled." (Matt. 5:18.) These passages may suffice, when taken with the passages usually quoted for the inspiration of the whole of scripture.
But those who disbelieve in the inspiration of the words of scripture, say, "Of what use is your belief in verbal inspiration, when we are not sure that we have the very words God caused to be written? The hundreds and thousands of variations in the manuscripts destroy your theory, or render it useless.”
Now, in the first place, we must insist upon it that there are two separate and distinct questions to be considered—questions which should not be allowed to interfere with one another.
The first question is—Did God so control the writers of the scriptures that they wrote His words? We say, Yes. We have quoted some passages that speak of "words;" and we must hold this truth firmly. To give it up is to allow the thin end of the wedge of skepticism to come in between us and God as to His word. What distinct thought can we have, in speaking of a jot or tittle of the law not failing, if it is sufficient to consider its general sense? And how are we to arrive at the sense of scripture except through the words used? We consider that a Christian must hold with "verbal" inspiration, or he virtually gives up inspiration altogether—at least in a way that is at all worthy of God, in giving us an infallible guide amid the surrounding darkness and error.
Now, if this point is once settled, it greatly simplifies the other, namely, "Have we a correct copy of that which God caused to be written?" Suppose for a moment I am obliged to say, "No, we have not a correct copy;" that in no way touches the other point, namely, that there were correct copies once. And if I believe that there were such, I naturally say, "I wish I had a correct copy." But, on the other hand, I have nothing to wish for if I deny that there ever were copies of "the words of God." If Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, gave only the sense of what God intended them to write, I have that in almost any Greek copy: why search any more? Why spend years of labor, and thousands of pounds, to get at that which never existed, namely, "the words of God?" I may labor diligently to get accurately what Paul wrote; but of what use is it, if, when I have arrived at it, I have Paul, and not God, except as to the general sense? This I have already in the common Greek text, and in the Authorized Version.
Thus we see that by believing in the verbal inspiration of the scripture is given the impetus to search after a correct text; but it surely is not worth the time and labor, if I have nothing to gain but the words of those who were merely the instruments. It is because God caused the writers to use His words that gives us the earnest desire to have a correct copy of these very words.
Now, with this desire before us, we must candidly admit that we may not have every word God caused to be written; that is what we desire and labor for. But if we have not every one, we have nearly all; there are places where we have not yet been able to say with certainty that we have the exact words. In some places the weight of evidence for two or more readings is so nearly balanced, that it is not for any one dogmatically to say what it was in the original.
As we have seen, the various readings do not touch one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. These all stand out in their full luster, as they came from the finger of God. But because it is the word of God, we want to know the words He used in every place. We do know them in the main; in thousands of passages there are no variations worth speaking of, nothing to disturb the commonly received version which has been in use in the church for so long. With the exceptions that have been named, we have the "words of God" as given in the New Testament. On these we hang our souls' salvation, and in these is the hope set before us, of soon seeing our blessed Lord, and being with Him, and like Him, forever.
This is "Our Father's Will:" let us receive it devoutly; believe every word of it; and seek to obey it in all things.
Courtesy of BibleTruthPublishers.com. Most likely this text has not been proofread. Any suggestions for spelling or punctuation corrections would be warmly received. Please email them to: BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com.
“Inspiration” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Though this word occurs in the Bible but once in reference to the scriptures, yet the one statement in which it is found is important and full of deep meaning: “Every scripture is divinely inspired [literally, “God-breathed”], and is profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, fully fitted to every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). This places all scripture on one basis as to inspiration, whether it be historical, doctrinal, or prophetic. We learn by this passage that not simply the persons who wrote were inspired, but the writings themselves are divinely inspired (compare 2 Pet. 1:21).
All writings are composed of words, and if these writings are inspired, the words are inspired. This is what is commonly called “verbal inspiration.” Other passages speak of the importance of “words”; Peter said, “To whom shall we go? thou hast the words (ρἠματα) of eternal life” (John 6:68): and we find those words in the Gospels. When it was a question of Gentiles being brought into blessing without being circumcised, James in his address appealed to the “words” of the prophets (Acts 15:15). Paul in writing to the Corinthian saints said, “Which things also we speak, not in the ‘words’ (λόγοι) which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth” (1 Cor. 2:13). The Holy Spirit taught Paul what words to use. The whole of scripture forms the word of God, and both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament we read of “the words of God” (1 Chron. 25:5; Ezra 9:4; Psa. 107:11; John 3:34; John 8:47; Rev. 17:17). Neither must His word be added to, or taken from (Deut. 4:2; Deut. 12:32; Rev. 22:18-19).
The above passages should carry conviction to simple souls that every scripture is God-inspired. As nothing less than this is worthy of God, so nothing less than this would meet the need of man. Amid the many uncertain things around him he needs words upon which his faith can be based, and in the inspired scriptures he has them. The Lord Jesus said, “The words (ρἠματα) that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63). He had the words of eternal life; and, through the grace of God, many a soul has found them to be such, and has no more doubt of the plenary inspiration of scripture than of the existence of God Himself.
It may be noted that scripture records the sayings of wicked men, and of Satan himself. It need scarcely be said that it is not the sayings but the records of them that are inspired. Paul also, when writing on the question of marriage, makes a distinction between what he wrote as his judgment, and what he wrote as commandments of the Lord. “I speak this by permission,” he says; and again, “I give my judgment” (1 Cor. 7:6,10,12,25). He was inspired to record his spiritual judgment and to point out that it was not a command.
Some have a difficulty as to what has been called the human element in inspiration. If the words of scripture are inspired, it has been asked, how is it that the style of the writer is so manifest? John’s style, for instance, being clearly distinguishable from that of Paul. The simple answer is that it is as if one used, so to speak, different kinds of pens to write with. God made the mind of man as well as his body, and was surely able to use the mind of each of the writers He employed, and yet cause him to write exactly what He wished. God took possession of the mind of man to declare His own purposes with regard to man.
Further, it has been asserted that the doctrine of verbal inspiration is valueless, because of diversities in the Greek manuscripts, which in some places prevent anyone from determining what are the words God caused to be written. But this does not in any way touch the question of inspiration, which is, that the words written were inspired by God. Whether we have a correct copy is quite another question. The variations in the Greek manuscripts do not affect any one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, and only in a few places are the words doubtful.
Another objection to the value of verbal inspiration is that most persons read scripture in a translation, the words of which cannot, it is alleged, be said to be inspired. But if the translation conveys exactly the same meaning as in the original, the words can be said to be inspired; for instance, the words “God is love,” may surely be said to be the same as ὁ θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστίν, or Deus caritas est, Dieu est amour, or Dios es amor, to those who can read them. It may be that the translations from which the above are taken cannot in all places be said to be the same as the Greek; but this only shows the great importance of each having a correct translation in his vernacular tongue. And it must not be forgotten that the Lord Himself and those who wrote the New Testament often quoted the Septuagint, which is a translation from the Hebrew; and they quoted it as scripture.
Nothing can exceed the importance of having true thoughts of the inspiration of scripture. As no human author would allow his amanuensis to write what he did not mean, so surely what is called the word of God is God’s own production, though given through the instrumentality of man. Though there were many writers, separated by thousands of years, there is a divine unity in the whole, showing plainly that one and only one could have been its Author. That One can only have been the Almighty—Jehovah—now happily revealed to the Christian as his Father as well as his God.
Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:
from 2316 and a presumed derivative of 4154; divinely breathed in
KJV Usage:
given by inspiration of God