How sad that true Christians are not more practically separated to God-that the world should look at them, and be able to say, " There is this and there is that in you which does not savor of Christ;" why this looking to earth, that fretting care, that troubled forecasting thought, if looking up to the glory and seeing Christ there, and if He has come and opened His heart to you as God?
Think-if we realized practically that there is no separation between the Head and the body-that we are one with that Only One, who never had a will, never had likes and dislikes, whose whole course was the bringing out of " Thy will, not mine, be done." He went in obedience to the death of the cross, and was raised up to the Father's own right hand, where we see Him above the range of everything: and He says to us, " You are risen with me, and one with me; and if you walk in the power of that, you also will be above everything."