Gleanings From Unpublished Diaries. A Blanket and a Pair of Sheets.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
“DID I ever tell you about the old woman’s blanket?”
“Well, in my district I had an old woman almost bed-ridden, who sadly wanted a blanket.
“I said to her, ‘Have you ever asked the Lord for a blanket?’
“‘No,’ she said. ‘You don’t think the Lord God Almighty would hear me about such a thing as that?’
“‘Well,’ I said, ‘we’ll ask Him,’ and I knelt down there and then, and asked the Lord to send her a blanket. That was in the beginning of the week.
“On the following Sunday I met a gentleman who at various times had been kind to the old woman, and he asked me how she was getting on. I said very badly, I feared.
“‘The other day,’ he replied, ‘I SENT HER A BLANKET, AND TOLD MY HOUSEKEEPER TO GET HER A PAIR OF SHEETS,’ I really felt SO overcome by the speedy answer to prayer that I could not say anything at the moment, though I have told him all about it since.
“The next time I went to see the dear old woman she threw up her hands, exclaiming, ‘The Lord sent me a blanket, and a pair of sheets too!’”