“God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth (trusteth) in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." —John 3:16.
GOD'S way, I say; for man has his way of salvation, and God has His, and man's way is not God's way. "Your ways are not My ways, saith the Lord" (Isa. 55:8).
This verse may be called "THE GOSPEL TEXT;" for here we have the whole Gospel briefly stated— 1. The source of salvation—"the love of God:"
2. The channel through which it comes—"His only-begotten Son:" and
3. The way by which we receive it—"Faith in His Son.”
Perhaps you will tell me, “Oh, I have read that verse a thousand times." Perhaps you have; but have you ever really believed it—that is, taken it to yourself as one of the "whosoever’s," trusted in Christ, and so got "everlasting life?” Can you say that?
A Christian friend told me how he found salvation in this verse. He took it, read it word by word—believed as he read—applied it to himself—TRUSTED THE SON—and had everlasting life. Multitudes have done the same—have you, dear reader? If not, may the Lord help you to do so wow
Just let us look at it—a word or two at a time—always remembering, "This is God's Word, and GOD MEANS WHAT HE SAYS:"—
GOD—That is the first word. Salvation begins with GOD. Here is man's first mistake. Man begins with himself: God begins with Himself. Man asks, "What must I do?” God says, "See what I have done." Friend, turn from yourself to GOD. Hear what HE says—see what HE has done.
LOVED THE WORLD! LOVED—Salvation springs from the love of God. "Loved” what? THE WORLD—a world of Sinners. Wondrous love! But, remember, sinners must accept that love, else it will do them NO GOOD.
But I hays omitted a word, have I not?—a little word, but big with meaning-
SO—O that "SO!"—"God so loved the world, that” What? HE GAVE HIS ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON!
HE GAVE—Salvation is a GIFT. "The gift of God is eternal life" (Rom. 6:23). Friend, are you, trying to buy it? It is beyond price; therefore it is "without price" (Isa. 55:1). God cannot sell it—you cannot buy it; but God offers, it as a gift—a present. Do you take it? Only TAKE it, and you live forever!
He gave—what? HIS ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON. "His Son"—"His ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON." What a gift! What a sacrifice! What love that made it! "This life is in His Son"—not in you, but in His Son (see 1 John 5:11, 12). Therefore take Him and you have life.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son"—Now, what for?
WHOSOEVER—Perhaps you say, "How may I know that salvation is offered to me?" Well, what says God?—"WHOSOEVER"—whosoever in this world of sinners. That is YOU, my friend, is it not?—you cannot deny it!
BELIEVETH, or TRUSTETH. Now, dear friend, it is as important to, see what God does NOT say as what He does say. Now mark, He does NOT say—
(1) Whosoever is so and so—is a moral, respectable, honest person—well spoken of by the world, and a member or office-bearer of the Church. This is Man's First Way of Salvation—CHARACTER. It was the Pharisee's way—"O God, I thank Thee I AM not as other men." And no he "trusted in himself" (see Luke 18:11 and 9). Was he "justified?" No (Luke 18:14). Why? Because that was only what he was in his own eight, and in the sight of his fellowmen; in GOD'S sight he was "as other men"—a sinner, for "all have sinned." In that point, "THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE" (Rom. 3:22, 23). By nature in God's sight, and God is the Judge, "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO, NOT ONE” (Rom. 3:10).
(2) God does not say—Whosoever DOES so and so. This is Man's Second Way of Salvation— WORKS. My unsaved friend, what can you do? You are a sinner, and therefore "dead"—"dead in trespasses and sins"(Eph. 2:1). Now, what can dead people do? Nothing. It is life you need, and it is life God offers you.
People talk about "good works." Did it ever strike you—"What good works can a sinner do?” As is the tree, so is its fruit; as is the man, so are his works. If you are a sinner, your, works are sinful; and if sinful, of course they are worth nothing. Thus, you see, a sinner can't do good works.
But does God ask you as a sinner to do them? No. Listen:—"By the deeds of the law shell no flesh be justified IN HIS SIGHT" (Rom. 3:20). "NOT or WORKS" (Eph. 2:9). Please Gal. 2:16—a verse in which we are three times told that salvation is not by works, and three times that it is by faith. Surely this is enough!
(3) God does not say—Whosoever FEELS so and so. This is Man's Third Way of Salvation— FEELINGS. This is a common mistake with anxious souls. "Oh," says one, "if I could only feel some new feeling within me, I think I should be right." You think so; but does God say so? Never. He does not ask you to feel, but to believe His word and trust His Son.
I know what you want. You want to feel “the joy of Salvation." But how can you feel that, till first you HAVE SALVATION? A drowning man can't feel the joy of being saved till first he is saved; no more can you. And as feeling can't save him, so neither can it save you. Salvation is a FACT—not a feeling, and rests, not feelings, but on FACTS—three great facts—Jesus died, was buried, and has risen again for sinners (1 Cor. 15:3, 4). Thus, then, God does not say, Whosoever is, or does, or feels so and so; but He DOES say that Whosoever
BELIEVETH—that is, TRUSTETH. TRUSTETH is a better word, because it brings out the nature of true faith better. But trusteth in whom?
IN HIM—THE SON OF GOD. Not in yourself, or in yourself and Jesus together, but in JESUS—JESUS ONLY.
SHOULD NOT PERISH—for perish you shall, if you do not trust in Christ. Salvation implies danger. Did you ever think of that? Friend, your sin is your danger. If you are unsaved, you are in a terrible state, and on the way to a terrible doom! Escape to Christ, trust in Him, and then you shall not perish-
BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE—a present and an everlasting life. How glorious!
Now, let me sum up. If you, a poor sinner, no matter what you are or are not—no matter what you have done or not done—no matter what you have felt or not felt—(for God says nothing about any of these things, and we must not say anything either)—if you, I say, now trust in Jesus alone—what He is, has done, and felt, YOU HAVE SALVATION; and if you believe God's Word, you will have the ASSURANCE of it too; for God says that "Whosoever trusteth in His Son hath everlasting life.”
Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38, 41, 42.