"God is for Me."

(Psa. 56:9.)
“GOD is for me,” joyful tidings!
Who ought to my charge shall lay?
“It is God that justifieth,”
And my guilt doth put away.
Blest to know that Christ, my Saviour,
Bore my judgment on the tree;
And that I, believing on Him,
Have redemption full and free.
God is good, and kind, and gracious,
“Plenteous in mercy,” He;
Though I often grieve His Spirit,
Yet in love He pardons me.
Need I fear that He will fail me,
Weak and worthless though I be;
No, for with a love eternal
God my Father loveth me.
In His Christ He me hath chosen,
Ere He spread abroad the skies,
Ere He called forth light from darkness,
I was precious in His eyes.
In His book of life were written,
Earth’s foundations long before,
All the names of His redeemed,
Though by nature vile and poor.
Love with us is now made perfect,
Since from judgment we are free;
In God’s Christ are we accepted,
“As He is” e’en “so are we.”
Praise Him, praise our God and Father,
Sing His matchless grace and love;
Let all worship and adore Him,
Who His boundless mercy prove.
M. S. S.